【专业学位类别】 公共卫生
【作者】 林忠宁
【单位】 厦门大学公共卫生学院
Title: Crack the "gain and loss" of bacteria and promote the "harmony and harmony" of entero-liver —— Case study of intestinal flora homeostasis and liver health
Professional Degree Category: Master of Public Health
Specialized fields: Health toxicology
Authors: Zhong-Ning Lin
Affiliation: School of Public Health, Xiamen University
Key words: Liver diseases, Intestinal microorganisms, Intestinal-liver crosstalk, Public health/medical intervention strategies, Experimental design and practice
Research and development of public health/medical guidance or intervention strategies for modulating liver health to aid in the social prevention control and treatment of epidemic diseases has become one of the key disciplinary issues that need to be addressed in the current research field of public health medicine. In recent years, with the increasing research and knowledge related to gut microorganisms, the time is ripe to promote the use of intervention of intestinal microorganisms to regulate liver health as a preventive and therapeutic strategy for hepatic pandemic diseases. In this case, we are going to explain the "Trends and current status of hepatic epidemics", "Characteristics and functions of intestinal microorganisms ", "Pathways and mechanisms by which intestinal microorganisms influence liver health and disease", and "The role of intestinal microorganisms in preventing and treating hepatic diseases". The course will cover four topics, including "Research and Practice of Gut microorganisms in Diagnosis and Regulation of Liver Health/Disease", discussing current research trends in liver epidemics and microbiology, designing experiments, and further exploring the feasibility of preventing and intervening in liver epidemics in public health populations. This course is designed to improve students' ability to systematically study and research epidemiological diseases and to analyze and design experimental investigations.