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    信息来源: 发布日期:2024-11-25

    关键词 随机对照、临床试验、戊型肝炎病毒、戊型肝炎、疫苗



    【专业学位类别】 公共卫生

    【专业领域/方向】 流行病学

    【作者】 张军 教授

    【单位】 厦门大学公共卫生学院





    Title: A Phase III Clinical Trial and Extension Follow-up Study of the World’s First Hepatitis E Vaccine

    Professional Degree Category: Master of Public Health

    Specialized fields: Epidemiology

    Authors: Jun Zhang

    Affiliation: School of Public Health, Xiamen University

    Key words: Randomized controlled, Clinical trial, Hepatitis E virus, Hepatitis E, Vaccine


    The significance of Phase III clinical trials for vaccines lies in verifying their efficacy and safety in large populations, providing reliable scientific support for their approval and widespread application. The world's first Hepatitis E vaccine, developed by Xiamen University, was approved in China and Pakistan in 2011 and 2020 respectively. In 2022, it was utilized by Médecins Sans Frontières for Hepatitis E outbreak control in South Sudan. Currently, this vaccine is the sole available bioproduct for preventing Hepatitis E. This case introduces the trial design and implementation of the Phase III clinical trial and extension study for the world’s first Hepatitis E vaccine. The study was randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, and conducted in a healthy population aged 16-65, with a sample size of around 110,000. All participants in the study were randomly assigned to either the vaccine or placebo group in a 1:1 ratio, stratified by sex and age. The primary objective was to evaluate the vaccine efficacy and safety. The results of the phase III trial demonstrated an efficacy of 100.0% within one year after three doses. Subsequent long-term extended follow-up study showed an efficacy of 93.3% over 4.5 years. By dissecting the critical elements of this study, students grasp the fundamental concepts of randomized double-blind trials as a vital epidemiological study method, learn about study design and implementation, and cultivate their ability to conceive and conduct clinical studies.

