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乙型肝炎是由乙型肝炎病毒Hepatitis B virus(HBV)引起的肝脏感染性疾病,是全球最重大的感染性疾病威胁之一。我国是慢乙肝感染大国,防治乙肝任重道远。治疗性抗体是治疗慢乙肝的潜在手段之一。本课程旨在向学生详细介绍慢性乙型肝炎(慢乙肝)的流行病学背景、病毒生物学特性以及当前治疗策略的局限性。课程的核心焦点是慢乙肝治疗性抗体的研发与初步评价。通过学习,预期通过这一系列的教学活动,学生不仅将获得有关慢乙肝及其治疗性抗体研发的知识,还将提高他们的实验设计和数据分析技能,从而为未来在生物医学领域的进一步学习和研究工作奠定坚实的基础。
Title: Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Therapeutic Antibodies for Chronic Hepatitis B
Category: Public Health
Field/Area: Epidemiology
Author: Wenxin Luo
Affiliation: School of Public Health, Xiamen University
Keywords: Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis B, Antibody Medication, Therapeutic Antibodies Applicable
Courses: Epidemiology, Translational Medicine, Biopharmaceuticals Copyright
Statement: This is a genuine case, intended solely for educational purposes.
Chronic Hepatitis B, caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV), is one of the most significant infectious disease threats globally. China faces a considerable challenge in the prevention and treatment of chronic Hepatitis B. Therapeutic antibodies are one of the potential means for the treatment of chronic Hepatitis B. This course aims to provide students with detailed information on the epidemiological background of chronic Hepatitis B, the virological characteristics of the virus, and the current limitations of treatment strategies. The core focus of the course is the development and preliminary evaluation of therapeutic antibodies for the treatment of chronic Hepatitis B. Through this series of educational activities, students are expected not only to gain knowledge about chronic Hepatitis B and the development of its therapeutic antibodies but also to enhance their experimental design and data analysis skills, laying a solid foundation for further study and research in the biomedical field.