Title: Identification of Key Virulence Factors of Varicella-Zoster Virus and Development of Novel Vaccines
Professional Degree Category: Master of Public Health
Specialized fields: Translational Medicine,vaccine
Authors: Wei Wang
Affiliation: School of Public Health, Xiamen University
Key words: Virulence factor; Vaccine; VZV; Varicella; Zoster
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection causes significant disease burden worldwide in the form of chickenpox and shingles. Currently, the varicella vaccine and shingles vaccine, both composed of the attenuated VZV Oka strain (vOka), are generally safe and effective. However, cases of shingles caused by vOka have been reported in vaccine recipients, and research has shown that vOka is a mixed strain that still retains neuro-virulent and latency capabilities, indicating potential safety concerns related to vaccine-related shingles. Therefore, developing a new generation of safer attenuated VZV vaccines could improve acceptance of the varicella vaccine and better establish herd immunity against chickenpox. Our group, in collaboration with Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, identified for the first dual determinant of VZV skin- and neuro-virulence, ORF7, and constructed a novel attenuated VZV vaccine, VZV-7D, with dual skin and neuroattenuation. The safety and immunogenicity of this vaccine were validated using various in vitro and in vivo models, providing important support for its clinical development. This work could provide in-sights into the research of novel virus vaccines based on functional genomics and reverse genetics.