
Xiaohui Yan

Xiaohui Yan Associate Professor


Email: xhyan@xmu.edu.cn

Office: Room 408, Molecular Imaging Building, School of Public Health, Xiamen University, Xiang An Nan Road, Xiang An District, Xiamen 361102, Fujian Province, P.R. China

Research Area: Development and clinical translation of medical micro-/nanorobots, including bioinspired design theory, materials development, system construction, swarm control, real-time in vivo tracking, diagnostics-therapy integration, and post-injection recovery.

The schematic used to demonstrate a roadmap of our research works


Dr. Xiaohui Yan now is an Associate Professor of Center for Molecular Imaging and Translational at School of Public Health, Xiamen University (Xiamen). Before joining Xiamen University, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow of Department of Physics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR). He received the Ph.D. degree from the same University in Aug. 2016, majoring in Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He received the M. Eng. degree from Zhejiang University (Hangzhou) in 2012 and the B. Eng. degree from Fuzhou University (Fuzhou) in 2009, both majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. During the Ph.D. studies, he went to Laboratoire PRISME-INSA Centre Val de Loire (France) as a visiting scholar. In the past few years, his research has been focused on the development and clinical translation of medical micro-/nanorobots, including bioinspired design theory, materials development, system construction, swarm control, real-time in vivo tracking, diagnostics-therapy integration, and post-injection recovery. The ultimate objective of these works is to develop novel micro-/nanorobotic technology and tools to achieve intelligent theranostic applications in minimally-invasive or non-invasive manner. Some outcomes have been published on international journals including Science Robotics, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Nano Letters.

News Highlights

  1. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/11/robot-made-algae-can-swim-through-yourbody-thanks-magnets

  1. https://cen.acs.org/materials/molecular-machines/Swarms-microrobots-show-power-numbers/97/i41

  1. 科技部直属期刊《科技纵览》2018年第5期68-69,共2页

Selected Publications (* and # represent corresponding author and the first co-author):

  1. Xiaohui Yan, Qi Zhou, Melissa Vincent, Yan Deng, Jiangfan Yu, Jianbin Xu, Tiantian Xu, Tao Tang, Liming Bian, Yi-Xiang J. Wang, Kostas Kostarelos, and Li Zhang*. Multifunctional Biohybrid Magnetite Microrobots for Imaging-Guided Therapy. Sci. Robot., 2017, 2: eaaq1155. (highlighted in Science News)

  2. Lisi Xie#, Xin Pang#, Xiaohui Yan*, Qixuan Dai, Huirong Lin, Jing Ye, Yi Cheng, Qingliang Zhao, Xing Ma, Xianzhong Zhang, Gang Liu*, Xiaoyuan Chen*. Photoacoustic Imaging-Trackable Magnetic Microswimmers for Pathogenic Bacterial Infection Treatment. ACS Nano, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b06731.

  3. Xiaohui Yan, Qi Zhou, Jiangfan Yu, Tiantian Xu, Yan Deng, Tao Tang, Qian Feng, Liming Bian, Yan Zhang, Antoine Ferreira, and Li Zhang*. Magnetite Nanostructured Porous Hollow Helical Microswimmers for Targeted Delivery.Adv. Funct. Mater., 2015, 25: 5333-5342.

  4. Xiaohui Yan#, Jianbin Xu#, Qi Zhou#, Dongdong Jin#, Chi Ian Vong, Qian Feng, Dickon H. L. Ng, Liming Bian*, and Li Zhang*. Molecular Cargo Delivery Using Multicellular Magnetic Microswimmers.Appl. Mater. Today, 2019, 15: 242-251.