

Representative publications in 2012

December 31, 2012

1. Kamar N, Bendall R, Legrand-Abravanel F, Xia NS, Ijaz S, Izopet J, Dalton HR*. Hepatitis E. Lancet. 2012;379(9835):2477-88. (IF=39.060)

2. Zhou Z, Huang D, Bao J, Chen Q, Liu G, Chen Z, Chen X, Gao J*. A Synergistically Enhanced T(1) -T(2) Dual-Modal Contrast Agent. Adv Mater. 2012; 24(46):6223-8.  (IF =14.829)

3. Huang P, Lin J, Wang X, Wang Z, Zhang C, He M, Wang K, Chen F, Li Z, Shen G*, Cui D*, Chen X*. Light-Triggered Theranostics Based on Photosensitizer-Conjugated Carbon Dots for Simultaneous Enhanced-Fluorescence Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy. Adv Mater. 2012; 24(37):5104-10. (IF=14.829)

4. Liu D, Wang S, Swierczewska M, Huang X, Bhirde AA, Sun J, Wang Z, Yang M, Jiang X, Chen X*. Highly Robust, Recyclable Displacement Assay for Mercuric Ions in Aqueous Solutions and Living Cells. ACS Nano. 2012; 6 (12):10999-11008(IF= 12.062)

5. Wu T, Zhu FC, Huang SJ, Zhang XF, Wang ZZ, Zhang J, Xia NS. Safety of hepatitis E vaccine for   pregnant women: a preliminary analysis. Hepatology. 2012; 55(6): 2038.IF = 12.003

6. Huang CH, Yuan Q, Chen PJ, Zhang YL, Chen CR, Zheng QB, Yeh SH, Yu H, Xue Y,Chen YX, Liu PG, Ge SX, Zhang J*, Xia NS*. Influence  of  mutations  in hepatitis B virus surface protein on viral antigenicity and  phenotype in occult HBV strains from blood donors. Journal of Hepatology. 2012; 57(4):720-729IF= 9.858

7. Geng X+,Huang C+, Qin Y, McCombs JE, Yuan Q, Harry BL, Palmer AE, Xia NS*, Xue D*.Hepatitis B virus X protein targets Bcl-2 proteins to increase intracellular calcium, required for virus replication and cell death induction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109(45):18471-6.IF=9.737

8. Zhu L+, Guo N+, Li Q, Ma Y, Jacboson O, Lee S, Choi HS, Mansfield JR, Niu G*, Chen X*. Dynamic PET and Optical Imaging and Compartment Modeling using a Dual-labeled Cyclic RGD Peptide Probe. Theranostics. 2012; 2(8):746-756. (IF= 7.806)

9. Zhu L+, Huang X+, Choi KY, Ma Y, Zhang F, Liu G, Lee S*, Chen X*. Real-time monitoring of caspase cascade activation in living cells. J Control Release. 2012;163(1):55-62.  (IF= 7.633)

10. Zhang J, Li SW, Wu T, Zhao Q, Ng MH, Xia NS*. Hepatitis E virus: neutralizing sites, diagnosis, and protective immunity. Rev Med Virol. 2012;22(5):339-49. (IF = 7.615)

11. Zhang F+, Huang X+, Zhu L, Guo N, Niu G, Swierczewska M, Lee S, Xu H, Wang AY, Mohamedali KA, Rosenblum MG, Lu G*, Chen X*. Noninvasive monitoring of orthotopic glioblastoma therapy response using RGD-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles. Biomaterials. 2012; 33(21): 5414-22. (IF= 7.604)

12. Wang Z, Huang P, Bhirde A, Jin A, Ma Y, Niu G, Neamati N, Chen X*. A nanoscale graphene oxide-peptide biosensor for real-time specific biomarker detection on the cell surface. Chem Comm. 2012; 48(100):12261. (IF= 6.378)  

13. Guo N,Lang L,Li W,Kiesewetter DO,Gao H,Niu G,Xie Q,Chen X*. Quantitative Analysis and Comparison Study of [18F]AlF-NOTA-PRGD2, [18F]FPPRGD2 and [68Ga]Ga-NOTA-PRGD2 Using a Reference Tissue Model. PLOS ONE. 2012; 7(5): e375 06.( IF=3.73)

14. Wu T, Li SW, Zhang J, Ng MH, Xia NS, Zhao Q*. Hepatitis E vaccine development: A 14 year odyssey. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2012 ;8(6):823-7. (IF = 3.577Zhao B, Shen H, Liu F, Liu S, Niu J, Guo F, Sun X. Exposure to organochlorine pesticides is an independent risk factor of hepatocellular carcinoma: A case-control study. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2012 ;22(6):541-8 .IF=3.187

15. Su Y, Dai Y, Lin Y, Gao X, Han Y, Zhao B*. Serum organochlorine pesticide residues and risk of gallstone disease: a case-control study in Xiamen. Ann Epidemiol. 2012 Aug; 22(8): 592-7IF= 2.479)

16. Shen L+, Gu Y+, Sun L, Yang Y, Wang F, Li Y, Bi S*. Development of a Hepatitis Delta Virus Antibody Assay for Study of the Prevalence of HDV Among Individuals Infected with Hepatitis B Virus in China. Journal of Medical Virology. 2012; 84:445–449IF=2.373

17. Zhang T+,Cheng T+,Wei L,Cai Y,Yeo AE,Han J,Yuan YA,Zhang J,Xia N*. Efficient inhibition of HIV-1 replication by an artificial polycistronic miRNA construct. Virology Journal.2012; 9:118. (IF=2.092)

18. Zhao Q*,Modis Y*,High K,Towne V,Meng Y,Wang Y,Alexandroff J,Brown M,Carragher B,Potter CS,Abraham D,Wohlpart D,Kosinski M,Washabaugh MW,Sitrin RD. Disassembly and reassembly of human papillomavirus virus-like particles produces more virion-like antibody reactivity. VIROLOGY JOURNAL. 2012; 9:52. (IF= 2.092)

19. Yu N+,Guo M+,He SJ,Pan YX,Chen XX,Ding XX,Hao W,Wang YD,Ge SX,Xia NS*,Che XY*. Evaluation of human enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus A16 specific immunoglobulin M antibodies for diagnosis of hand-foot-and-mouth disease. VIROLOGY JOURNAL. 2012; 9:12. (IF= 2.092)

20. Liu G,Wang Z,Lee S,Ai H*,Chen X*.

21. Design and fabrication of N-alkyl-polyethylenimine-stabilized iron oxide nanoclusters for gene delivery. Methods Enzymol. 2012; 509:263-76. (IF= 2.002)

22. Gu Y, Hou W, Xu C, Li S, Shih JW, Xia N*. The enhancement of RNAi against HIV in vitro and in vivo using H-2Kk protein as a sorting method.  Journal of Virological Methods. 2012 Jun;182(1-2):9-17.IF= 1.9

23. Swierczewska M, Choi KY, Mertz EL, Huang X,Zhang F, Zhu L, Yoon HY, Park JH, Bhirde A, Lee S, Chen X*. A facile, one-step nanocarbon functionalization for biomedical applications. Nano Lett. 2012; 12(7):3613-20. (IF= 13.025)

24. Wang SH*, Yeh SH*, Lin WH, Yeh KH, Yuan Q, Xia NS, Chen DS, Chen PJ*. Estrogen Receptor alpha Represses Transcription of HBV Genes via Interaction With Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 alpha. Gastroenterology. 2012; 142(4):989-U489. (IF = 12.821)

25. Bhirde AA, Kapoor A, Liu G, Iglesias-Bartolome R, Jin A, Zhang G, Xing R, Lee S, Leapman RD, Gutkind JS, Chen X*. Nuclear Mapping of Nanodrug Delivery Systems in Dynamic Cellular Environments. ACS Nano. 2012; 6(6):4966-72. (IF= 12.062)


27. Kiesewetter DO+,Guo N+,Guo J,Gao H,Zhu L,Ma Y,Niu G*,Chen X*. Evaluation of an [(18)F]AlF-NOTA Analog of Exendin-4 for Imaging of GLP-1 Receptor in Insulinoma.Theranostics. 2012;2(10):999-1009.(IF=7.806)

28. Huang P+, Pandoli O+, Wang XS, Wang Z, Li ZM, Zhang CL, Chen F, Lin J, Cui DX*, Chen XY*. Chiral guanosine 5'-monophosphate-capped gold nanoflowers: Controllable synthesis, characterization, surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity, cellular imaging and photothermal therapy. NANO RESEARCH.2012; 5(9): 630-639. (IF= 7.392)

29. Gao H+,Kiesewetter DO+,Zhang X,Huang X,Guo N,Lang L,Hida N,Wang H,Wang H,Cao F*,Niu G*,Chen X. PET of glucagonlike peptide receptor upregulation after myocardial ischemia or reperfusion injury. J Nucl Med. 2012;53(12):1960-8.(IF=5.774)

30. Selariu A,Cheng T,Tang Q,Silver B,Yang L,Liu C,Ye X,Markus A,Goldstein RS,Cruz-Cosme RS,Lin Y,Wen L,Qian H,Han J,Dulal K,Huang Y,Li Y,Xia N,Zhu H*. ORF7 of Varicella-Zoster Virus Is a Neurotropic Factor. Journal of Virology. 2012; 86(16):8614-24. (IF=5.076)

31. Mok BW,Song W,Wang P,Tai H,Chen Y,Zheng M,Wen X,Lau SY,Wu WL,Matsumoto K,Yuen KY*,Chen H*. The NS1 Protein of Influenza A Virus Interacts with Cellular Processing Bodies and Stress Granules through RNA-Associated Protein 55 (RAP55) during Virus Infection. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 2012; 86(23):12695-707. (IF=5.076)

32. Liu L,Xia T,Guo L,Cao L,Zhao B,Zhang J,Dong S,Shen H*. Expressing urine from a gel disposable diaper for biomonitoring using phthalates as an example. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol , 22(6):625-31, 2012.IF=3.187

33. Bin L+,Jian F+,Quan Y,Yajun T,Li T,Jie Z,Yu C*. Performance evaluation of three different immunoassays for detection of antibodies to hepatitis B core. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE.2012;51(2)23-25.( IF=3.009)

34. Zhang F,Huang X,Qian C,Zhu L,Hida N,Niu G*,Chen X*. Synergistic enhancement of iron oxide nanoparticle and gadolinium for dual-contrast MRI. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Sep 7; 425(4):886-91. (IF =2.406)

35. Lu CY,Chang LY*,Chen PJ,Xia NS,Shao PL,Huang LM*. A highly specific ELISA for diagnosis of 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus infections. J Formos Med Assoc. 2012 Dec; 111(12):693-7. IF=1

36. Zhang W, Zeng Y, Wei P, Wang Zy, Lu J, Wei Qr * and Liu G. Interaction between microspheres of collagen/biphasic calcium phosphate and mesenchymal stem cells. Micro & Nano Letters, 2012;7(12):1217-1219. (IF=0.845)

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