

Representative publications in 2013

December 31, 2013

1.    Liu D, Huang X, Wang Z, Jin A, Sun X, Zhu L, Wang F, Ma Y, Niu G, Hight Walker AR, Chen X*.Gold Nanoparticle-Based Activatable Probe for Sensing Ultra-Low Levels of Prostate Specific Antigen. ACS Nano. 2013; 7 (6): 5568–5576. (IF=12.062)

2.    Zhou Z, Wang L, Chi X, Bao J, Yang L, Zhao W, Chen Z, Wang X, Chen X, Gao J*. Engineered  Iron-Oxide-Based  Nanoparticles  as  Enhanced  T1  Contrast  Agents  for

Efficient Tumor Imaging. ACS Nano. 2013; 7(4):3287-96. (IF =12.062)

3.    Yuan Q, Song LW, Liu CJ, Li Z, Liu PG, Huang CH, Yan Y, Ge SX, Wang YB, Peng CY, Zhang J*, Kao JH, Chen DS, Chen PJ, Xia NS. Quantitative hepatitis B core antibody level may help predict treatment response in chronic hepatitis B patients. Gut. 2013;62(1).(IF=10.732)

4.    Zhenghuan Zhao, Zijian Zhou, JianfengBao, Zhenyu Wang, Juan Hu, Xiaoqin Chi,  Kaiyuan Ni, Ruifang Wang, Xiaoyuan Chen, Zhong Chen &JinhaoGao*. Octapod iron oxide nanoparticles as highperformance T2 contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging. Nature Communications 4,Article number: 2266 doi:10.1038/ncomms3266

(IF= 10.015)

5.    Zhao Q*,Li S, Yu H, Xia N, Modis Y.Virus-likeparticle-basedhuman vaccines: quality assessment based on structural and functional properties. Trends Biotechnol. 2013 Nov;31(11):654-63.(IF=9.660)

6.    Wang Z, Liu G*, Zheng H, Chen X*. Rigid nanoparticle-based delivery of anti-canc er siRNA: Challenges and opportunities. Biotechnol Adv. 2013 Sep; pi: S0734-9750(13)00154-7. (IF=.9.599)

7.   Zhang J, Shih JW*, Wu T, Li SW, Xia NS. Development of the hepatitis E vaccine: from bench to field. Semin Liver Dis. 2013;33(1):79-88. (IF= 8.274)

8.    Nie L+, Wang S+, Wang X, RongP, Ma Y, Liu G, Huang P, Lu G, Chen X *. In Vivo Volumetric Photoacoustic Molecular Angiography and Therapeutic Monitoring with

Targeted PlasmonicNanostars. Small. 2013 Oct 22. doi: 10.1002/smll.201302924. [Epub ahead of print](IF=7.823)

9.   Liu G*, Gao J, Ai H, Chen X*. Applications and Potential Toxicity of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. Small.2013; 9(9-10):1533-45. ( IF= 7.823)

10. Niu G, Zhu L, Ho DN, Zhang F, Gao H, Quan Q, Hida N, Ozawa T, Liu G*, Chen X.  Longitudinal  bioluminescence  imaging  of  the  dynamics  of  Doxorubicin  induced apoptosis.Theranostics. 2013;3(3):190-200. (IF=7.806)

11.  Yang  K*,  Zhu  L*,  Nie  L,  Sun  X,  Cheng  L,  Wu  C,  Niu  G,  Chen  X,  Liu  Z. Visualization of Protease Activity In Vivo Using an Activatable Photo-Acoustic Imaging Probe Based on CuS Nanoparticles. Theranostics 2014; 4(2):134-141. *co-first author.(IF=7.806)

12.  Yuan X+, Liu Y+, Bai C, Luo Y, Wang R, Wang R, Cai Y, Zhao X*. Mycoplasma pneumoniae  infection  is  associated  with  subacute  cough.EurRespir  J.  2013  Nov   14. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available. PMID: 24232705 (IF=6.355).

13.  Wang X+, Zhou Z+, Wang  Z, Xue Y, Zeng Y, Gao J, Zhu L, Zhang X, Liu G*,Chen X*. Gadolinium embedded iron oxide nanoclusters as T1-T2 dual-modal MRI-visible vectors for safe and efficient siRNA delivery. Nanoscale. 2013;5(17):8098-104. (IF= 6.233).

14.  LimingNie,  Mei Chen,  Xiaolian Sun,  Pengfei Rong,  Nanfeng Zheng*  and  Xiaoyu  an Shawn Chen*  .Palladium nanosheet as highly stable and effective contrast agent for in   vivo photoacoustic molecular imagingLiming. Nanoscale, 2013,   Accepted Manuscript, DOI:10.1039/C3NR05468C   (IF 6.233)

15.  Wan W+, Guo N+, Pan D, Yu C, WengY, Luo S, Ding H, Xu Y, Wang L, Lang L, Xie Q, Yang M, Chen X* . First Experience of 18F-Alfatide in Lung Cancer Patients Using a  New Lyophilized Kit for Rapid Radiofluorination. J Nucl Med. 2013 May;54(5):691-8.(IF=5.774)

16.   Guo J, GuoN, Lang L, Kiesewetter DO, Xie Q, Li Q, Eden HS, Niu G, Chen X.Kiesewetter, QingguoXie, Quanzheng Li, Henry S. Eden, Gang Niu and Xiaoyuan Chen. 18F-Alfatide II and 18F-FDG Dual-Tracer Dynamic PET for Parametric, Early Prediction  of Tumor Response to Therapy. J Nucl Med, January 1, 2014 jnumed.113.122069


17.  Xing R, Liu G*, Zhu J, Hou Y*, Chen X.Functional Magnetic Nanoparticles for Non-Viral Gene Deliveryand MR Imaging. Pharm Res. 2013 Sep; (IF=4.742)

18.  Mosel M, Li L, Drlica K, Zhao X*. Superoxide-mediated protection of Escherichia coli from antimicrobials.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Nov;57(11):5755-9. doi:

10.1128/AAC.00754-13. Epub 2013 Aug 26. PMID: 23979754 (IF=5.565)

19.  Yue  X, Kiesewetter  DO, Guo   J, Sun  Z, Zhang  X, Zhu   L, Niu  G, Ma  Y, Lang L, Chen X*.Development of a new thiol site-specific prosthetic group and its conjugation with    [cys40]-exendin-4  for in  vivo  targeting of  insulinomas(ASAP).Bioconjug Chem. 2013; 24 (7):1191–1200 (IF =4.58)

20.  Zhang J, Zhang XF, Zhou C, Wang ZZ, Huang SJ, Yao X, Liang ZL, Wu T, Li JX,  Yan Q, Yang CL, Jiang HM, Huang HJ, Xian YL, Shih JW, Ng MH, Li YM, Wang JZ*, Zhu FC, Xia NS*. Protection against hepatitis E virus infection by naturally acquired and vaccine-induced immunity. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013 Oct 5.  [Epub ahead of print](IF=4.578)

21.  Cai Y+, Zhu L+, Zhang F, Niu G, Lee S, Kimura  S*, Chen X*. Noninvasive Monitoring of Pulmonary Fibrosis by Targeting  Matrix  Metalloproteinases  (MMPs). MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS. 2013 Jun 3; 10(6):2237-47. ( IF=4.57)

22.  Zhao Q, Zhang J, Wu T, Li SW, Ng MH, Xia NS*, Shih JW*.Antigenic determinants of hepatitis E virus and vaccine-induced immunogenicity and efficacy. J Gastroenterol. 2013 Feb;48(2):159-68. (IF = 3.788)

23.  Chen HF+, Mai JR+, Wan JX, Gao YF, Lin LN, Wang SZ, ChenYX, Zhang CZ, Zhang YJ, Xia B, Liao K, LinYC*, Lin ZN*. Role of a Novel Functional Variant in  the PPP2R1A Promoter on the Regulation of PP2A-Aalpha and the Riskof Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLOS ONE. 2013; 8(3):1-11.(IF=3.73)

24.  Gu   Y, Cao   F, Wang   L, Hou   W, Zhang   J, Hew   CL, Li    S*, Yuan   YA*, Xia N*.Structure  of  a  Novel   Shoulder-to-Shoulder  p24  Dimer   in  Complex  with  the Broad-Spectrum Antibody A10F9 and Its Implication in Capsid Assembly. PLOS ONE. 2013;8(4):e61314.. ( IF=3.73)

25.  Chen Y+, Li C+, He D, Cheng T, Ge S, Shih JW, Zhao Q, Chen PJ, Zhang J*, Xia  N*.Antigenic analysis of divergent genotypes human Enterovirus 71 viruses by a panel of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies: Current genotyping of EV71 does not reflect their antigenicity. Vaccine. 2013;31(2):425-30. (IF=3.492)

26. Zhao Q,Potter CS, Carragher B, Lander G, Sworen J, Towne V, Abraham D, Duncan P, Washabaugh MW, Sitrin RD. Characterization of virus-like particles in GARDASIL® by cryo transmission electron microscopy   :Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2013 Dec 3;10(3). [Epub ahead of print] ( IF=3.136)

27.  Zhang F, Zhu L, Huang X, Niu G, Chen X*. Differentiation of Reactive and Tumor Metastatic Lymph Nodes with Diffusion-weighted and SPIO-Enhanced MRI. Mol

Imaging Biol. 2013;15(1):40-7. (IF= 3.095)

28.  Yang C+, Pan H+, Wei M, Zhang X, Wang N, Gu Y, Du H, Zhang J, Li  S*, Xia N*. Hepatitis E virus  capsid protein  assembles  in  4M  urea  in  the presence  of salts.

PROTEIN SCIENCE. 2013 Mar;22(3):314-26. (IF= 2.735)

29.  Yao QQ, Dong XL, Wang XC, Ge SX, Hu AQ, Liu HY, Wang YA, Yuan Q*, Zheng YJ*.Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg)-Positive and HBsAg-Negative Hepatitis B Virus Infection  among Mother-Teenager Pairs  13  Years  after  Neonatal Hepatitis B Virus  Vaccination. CLINICAL  AND  VACCINE  IMMUNOLOGY.  2013    Feb; 20(2):269-75. ( IF= 2.598)

30.  Zhang M, Mou T, Zhao Z, Peng C, MaY, Fang W, Zhang X*.Synthesis and  18F-labeling of the analogues of OmecamtivMecarbil as a potential cardiac myosin imaging agent with PET. Nucl. Med. Biol. 2013;40(5):689-96.(IF=2.517)

31.  Yanhua Su, Benhua Zhao*, Fei Guo, Zhao Bin, Yue Yang, Sheng Liu, Yaofeng Han, Jianjun Niu, XiayiKe, Ning Wang, Xuesi Geng, Changnan Jin, Yichen Dai, Yuanyuan

Lin. Interaction of Benzo(a)pyrene with Other Risk Factors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case–Control study in Xiamen, China. Annals of Epidemiology. Available online 9 November 2013.(IF=2.479)

32.   Zhang S,Xue M, Zhang J,Chen Q, Chen J, Wang Z, Zhou W, Chen P, Xia N,Ge S*.A one-step dipstick assay for the on-site detection of nucleic acid. Clin Biochem. 2013

Oct 22. pii: S0009-9120(13)00487-6. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2013.10.013. [Epub ahead of print](IF= 2.45)

33.  Zheng ZZ, SunYY, Zhao M, Huang H, Zhang J, XiaNS, Miao J*, ZhaoQ*.Specific interaction between hnRNPH and HPV16 Li proteins: Implications for late gene auto-regulation enabling rapid viral capsid protein production. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2013;430(3):1047-53.(IF=2.406)

34.  Ge S, Yan Q, He S, Zhuang S, Niu J, Xia N*. Specific primer amplification of the VP1 region directed by 5' UTR sequence analysis: Enterovirus testing and identification in clinical samples from hand-foot-and-mouth disease patients. J Virol Methods. 2013 Nov; 193(2):463-9. (IF=1.9)

35. Wang W, Cheng  T*, Ma  K, Xia  D, Wang Y, Liu  J, Du  H, Shih  JW, Zhang J, Zhao  Q, Xia  N. Development  of  a  novel  baculovirus  titration  method  using  the Enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS. 2013 Mar;188(1-2):114-20. ( IF=1.9)

36.   You M, Liu Y, Chen Y, Guo  J, Wu J, Fu Y, Shen R, Qi R, Luo  W*, Xia N.Maximizing Antibody Production in  Suspension-Cultured Mammalian Cells by the Customized  Transient  Gene  Expression  Method.  BIOSCIENCE  BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY.2013;77(6):1207-13.(IF=1.269)

37.  Mou T, Zhao Z, Fang W, Peng C, Guo F, Liu B, Ma Y, Zhang  X*.Synthesis  and preliminary evaluation of [F-18] mFMBTP for myocardial perfusion imaging. JOURNAL OF    LABELLED  COMPOUNDS   &  RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS.2013;56:S136.( IF=1.24)

38.  Yang W, Zhao Z, Fang W, Zhang X*.The preparation of 99mTc-DTPA–LSA and its instantlyophilizedkit for hepatic receptor imaging. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2013; 74 : 1–5.(IF=1.179)

39.  Lei Li,  Lingling Jiang, Yun Zeng andgang Liu*. Toxicity of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles:  research strategiesand implications for nanomedicine. Chinese Phys   ics B.2013,Vol.  22 Issue (12):   127502    DOI:  10.1088/1674-1056/22/12/127502.(IF 1.148)

40.  Xu CY, GuY*, Hou WH, Que YQ, Gao SG, Cheng T, Xia NS*.Tetracysteine as a Reporter for Gene Therapy. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 2009; 6: 60-66. (IF=1.154)

41.  Dorsey-Oresto A, Lu T, Mosel M, Wang X, Salz T, Drlica K, Zhao X* (2013) YihE kinase is a central regulator of programmed cell death in bacteria. Cell Reports 3(2): 528-537

42.  McLellan JS, Chen M, Joyce MG, Sastry M, Stewart-Jones GB, Yang Y, Zhang B, Chen L, Srivatsan S,Zheng A, Zhou T, Graepel KW, Kumar A, Moin S, Boyington

JC, Chuang GY, Soto C, Baxa U, Bakker AQ,Spits H, Beaumont T, Zheng Z, Xia N, Ko SY, Todd JP, Rao S, Graham BS*, Kwong PD*. Structure-Based Design of a Fusion

Glycoprotein Vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus.Science. 2013; 342( 6158): 592-598 . (IF=31.027)

43.  McLellan JS*, Chen M, Leung S, Graepel KW, Du X, Yang Y, Zhou T, Baxa U, Yasuda E, Beaumont T, Kumar A, ModjarradK, Zheng Z, Zhao M, Xia N,Kwong PD*,   Graham BS. Structure of RSV Fusion Glycoprotein Trimer Bound to a Prefusion-Specific Neutralizing Antibody. Science2013; 340(6136):1113-1117. (IF=31.027)

44.  WangS, Huang P, Nie L, Xing R, Liu D, Wang Z, Lin J, Chen S, Niu G, Lu G*,ChenX*.Single Continuous Wave Laser Induced Photodynamic/Plasmonic Photothermal

Therapy Using Photosensitizer-Functionalized Gold Nanostars. Adv. Mater.2013; 25,3055-3061. (IF =14.829).

45.   Dingbin Liu, Zhantong Wang, Albert Jin, Xinglu Huang, Xiaolian Sun, Fu Wang,  Qiang Yan, Shengxiang Ge, Ningshao Xia,Gang Niu,Gang Liu,  A. R. HightWalker and Xiaoyuan Chen*. Acetylcholinesterase  Catalyzed  Hydrolysis Allows Ultrasensitive Detection of Pathogens with the Naked Eye.Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2013,doi: 10.1002/anie.2013 07952(IF= 13.734)

46.  HuangX, ZhangF, Zhu L, ChoiK, Y Guo, N Guo, J Guo, Tackett K, Anilkumar P, Liu G, Quan Q, Choi H. S, Niu G, Sun Y-P, Lee S, Chen X.* Effect of Injection Routes on the  Biodistribution,  Clearance,  and  Tumor  Uptake  of  Carbon  Dots.  ACS  Nano.2013; 7 (7): 5684–5693. (IF =12.062).

47.  Lin J, Wang S, Huang P, Wang Z, Chen S,Niu G, Li W, He J, Cui D, Lu G,Chen X*,   NieZ. Photosensitizer-Loaded Gold Vesicles with Strong Plasmonic Coupling Effect for Imaging-Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Therapy. ACS. Nano.2013;7 (6): 5320–5329.(IF = 12.062)

48.  Zipeng Zhen, Wei Tang, Cunlan  Guo, Hongmin Chen, Xin Lin,Gang Liu,  Baowei Fei, Xiaoyuan Chen, Bingqian Xu, and Jin Xie*.Ferritin Nanocages to  Encapsulate and De liver Photosensitizers for Efficient Photodynamic Therapy  against Cancer. ACS Nano.2013;7(8):6988-96(IF = 12.062)

49.  Xuejiao Song, Hua Gong, Shengnan Yin, Liang Cheng, Chao Wang, ZhiweiLi, Yon gang Li, Xiaoyong Wang,Gang Liu, andZhuang Liu*.  Ultra-Small Iron Oxide Doped Polypyrrole Nanoparticles for In Vivo Multimodal  Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials. doi/10.1002  /adfm.201302463. (IF=9.765)

50.  Wang Z, Zhang X, Huang P, ZhaoW, Liu D, Nie L, Yue X, Wang S, MaY, KiesewetterD,Niu G, Chen X*. Dual-factor triggered fluorogenic nanoprobe for ultrahigh contrast  and  subdiffraction  fluorescence  imaging. Biomaterials.  2013;  34:  6194-6201.(IF=7.604)

51.  Gao L, Xie L, Long X, Wang Z*, He CY, Chen ZY, Zhang L, Nan X, Lei H, Liu X, Liu G, Lu J, Qiu B*. Efficacy of MRI visible iron oxide nanoparticles in delivering minicircle  DNA  into liver  via  intrabiliaryinfusion.Biomaterials. 2013;34(14):3688-96.(IF=7.44)

52.  Huang X, Zhang F, Wang H, Niu G, Choi KY, Swierczewska M, Zhang G, Gao H, Wang  Z,  Zhu  L,  Choi  HS,  Lee  S,  Chen  X*.Mesenchymal  stem  cell-based  cell engineering  with  multifunctional   mesoporous   silica  nanoparticles  for  tumor delivery.Biomaterials. 2013;34(7):1772-80.(IF=7.44)

53.  Huang P, Lin J, Wang S, Zhou Z, Li Z, Wang Z, Zhang C,Yue X, Niu G, Yang M, Cui   D,   Chen   X*.   Photosensitizer-conjugated   silica-coated   gold   nanoclusters   for fluorescence imaging-guided  photodynamic therapy.Biomaterials.2013 Jun;34(19):4643-54.(IF=7.404)

54. Rui-jun Xing, Ashwinkumar A Bhirde,  Shou-ju Wang, Xiao-lian  Sun, Gang Liu, Yang-long Hou and Xiao-yuan Chen*. Hollow Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Multidrug Resistant Drug Delivery and Imaging Vehicles. Nano Research, 2013;6(1):1-9 (IF= 6.97)

55.  Yi-Wei Wang, Yu-Ying Fu, Qiaoli Peng,Shan-Shan Guo,Gang Liu, Juan Li*, Huang-Hao Yang* and Guo-Nan Chen Dye-enhanced graphene oxide for photothermal therapy and photoacoustic imaging. Journal  of Materials Chemistry B.2013; 1:5762-5767. (IF=6.101)

56.  Sun Z, Huang P, TongG, Lin J, Jin A, Rong P, Zhu L, Nie L, NiuG,*CaoF*,ChenX*. VEGF-loaded graphene oxide as theranostics for multi-modality imaging-monitored

targeting therapeutic angiogenesis of ischemic muscle.Nanoscale. 2013 Jul11;5(15):6857-66. (IF =5.914)

57.  Wan Q, Xie L, Gao L, Wang Z, Nan X, Lei H, Long X, Chen ZY, He CY, Liu G, Liu X, Qiu B*. Self-assembled magnetic theranostic nanoparticles for highly sensitive MRI of minicircle DNA delivery.Nanoscale. 2013;5(2):744-52.(IF=5.9)

58.  JinxiaGuo*, NingGuo*, Lixin Lang, Dale O. Kiesewetter, QingguoXie, Quanzheng Li,  Henry  S.  Eden,  Gang  Niu  and  Xiaoyuan  Chen.   18F-Alfatide  II  and   18F-FDG Dual-Tracer  Dynamic  PET  for  Parametric,  Early  Prediction  of  Tumor  Response  to Therapy. J Nucl Med, January 1, 2014 jnumed.113.122069 (IF= 5.774)

59.  Ruijun Xing,Gang  Liu*, Jinghan Zhu, Yanglong Hou*and Xiaoyuan Chen.Function al magnetic nanoparticles  for non-viralgene delivery and MR imaging. Pharmaceutical R esearch. 2013,DOI: 10.1007/s11095-013-1205-2. (IF= 4.742)

60.  Zhang  XX, Wang  Z,Yue X, Ma Y, Kiesewetter  D  O,Chen  X.*  pH-Sensitive Fluorescent Dyes:  Are They  Really  pH-Sensitive  in  Cells?  Mol. Pharm.2013;   10:1910-1917. (IF =4.57).

61.  Zhang LM, Alter HJ, Wang HP, Jia SZ, Wang E, Marincola FM, Shih JWK, Wang RY*. The modulation of hepatitis C virus 1a replication by PKR is dependent on NF-kB mediated interferon beta response in Huh7.5.1 cells. VIROLOGY. 2013;438(1):28-36.(IF=3.367)

62. Zhang XX, Sun Z, Guo J, Wang Z, Wu C, Niu G, Ma Y, Kiesewetter DO, Chen X*.Comparison of 18F-labeled CXCR4 antagonist peptides for PET imaging of CXCR4 expression.Mol Imaging Biol. 2013 May 2.(IF=3.844)

63.  Jian-Te Lee,Pei-Lan Shao,Luan-Yin Chang,Ning-Shao Xia,Pei-Jer Chen,Chun-Yi Lu,Li-Min Huang*.Seroprevalence of Hepatitis E Virus Infection among Swine Farmers

and the General Population in Rural Taiwan. PLOS ONE. 2013 June;8(6):e67180.(IF=3.73)

64. Xu C, Wang RY, Schechterly CA, Ge S, Shih JW, Xia NS, Luban NL, Alter HJ.   An assessment of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in US blood donors and recipients: no detectable    HEV RNA in 1939 donors tested and no evidence for HEV transmission to 362 prospecti  vely followed recipients. Transfusion. 2013 Jul (IF=3.526)

65. Guo J, Lang L, Hu S, Guo N, Zhu L, Sun Z, Ma Y, Kiesewetter DO, Niu G, Xie Q, Chen X. Comparison of Three Dimeric 18F-AlF-NOTA-RGD Tracers. Mol Imaging Biol. 2013 Aug 28. [Epub ahead of print].(IF= 3.095)

66. Zhang ZJ,Ge SX, Wang XM,Yuan Q, Yan Q, Ye, HM, Che YJ, Lin YY, Zhang J, Liu PG*. Serum miR-483-5p as a potential biomarker to detect hepatocellular carcinoma. HEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2013; 7(1) 199-207. ( IF= 2.642).

67.  Kai-Wen Huang, Jen-JieChieh*,In-Tsang Lin,Herng-ErHorng*, Hong-Chang Yang, Chin-Yih Hong.  Anti-CEA-functionalized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for examining colorectal tumors in vivo. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2013, 8: 413-420.(IF=2.524)

68. Du S, Mao Y, Tong J, Li F, Che L, Li S, Yang H, Ba J, Hu N, Xing H, LuX, Sang X, Zhang X, WangX,   Zhong   S. A novel   liver   function   evaluation   system   using radiopharmacokinetic   modeling   of  technetium-99m-DTPA-galactosyl   human   serum albumin. Nucl. Med.Commun. 2013 Sep; 34(9):893-9.(IF= 1.379).

69.  Zhao ZQ,  Mou TT,  Zhang MR, Peng C,  Zhang  XZ.  Synthesis  and  preliminary evaluation  of  [F-18]   mFMBTP  for  myocardial  perfusion  imaging.  JOURNAL  OF LABELLED  COMPOUNDS  & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS.2013;56:S136.( IF=1.24)

70.  Yang W, Zhao Z, Fang W, Zhang X.The preparation of (99m)Tc-DTPA-LSA and its instant  lyophilized  kit  for  hepatic  receptor  imaging.ApplRadiatIsot.  2013;  74:1-5.


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