主要研究方向包括老年健康及其长期护理、卫生经济政策、卫生技术评估等方面,以第一作者/通讯作者在Journal of Nursing Management、Nursing Ethics、Journal of Aging & Social Policy、International journal for equity in health、International Journal of Health Policy and Management、BMC Geriatrics、中华流行病学、中国卫生统计、中国公共卫生、中国卫生经济等国内外权威学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,多次荣获省部级以上学术论文奖励(如“中国人口学年会学术论文一等奖、福建省老年学学会优秀论文一等奖、福建省民政政策理论研究课题优秀论文二等奖”等)。研究成果为国家及地方的民政与老龄、卫健与医保等相关部门决策提供了科学循证参考,并在积极老龄化和卫生政策制定等实践中得到应用。
1. 老龄健康与养老照护,长期护理保险
2. 卫生技术评估,疫苗经济学评价
3. 医疗卫生体制改革,医院管理
1. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金,部级项目,耦合协调视角下失智长期照护服务体系优化研究,2024-06至2027-06,在研,主持
2. 民政部部级课题(专项业务类),部级项目,可持续发展视角下城市养老照护供应体系研究:现实困境与优化策略,2024-02至2024-12,在研,主持
3. 福建省自然科学面上基金项目,紧密型县域医共体医保基金打包支付效果评估及优化策略研究,2024-11至2027-11,在研,主持
4. 厦门市自然科学基金青年项目,中国女性低剂次HPV疫苗接种策略的经济学评价研究——基于传播动力学模型,2024-07至2027-06,在研,主持
5. 2023年中国医院改革发展研究院课题,价值医保视域下县域医保基金使用效益评价及其优化路径研究——以三明市为例,2024-01至2026-01,在研,主持
6. 2023年传染病疫苗研发全国重点实验室培育项目,HPV疫苗预防策略的经济学评价及效果预测研究,2023-12至2025-10,在研,主持
1. 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目,基于系统动力学的老年长期护理保险筹资机制优化研究,2020-01至2021-12,已结题,主持
2. 中国科学技术协会,部级项目,代际差异视角下中国居民养老服务选择偏好及影响因素研究,2021/12-2023/12,已结题,主持
3. 福建省社会科学青年基金项目,福建省长期护理保险实施效果评价及政策优化研究,2022-09至2025-09,已结题,主持
4. 厦门市社科联,一般项目,厦门失能老年人长期护理保障体系建设研究, 2021/4-2022/10,已结题,主持
5. 厦门市卫生健康委员会,横向课题,厦门市公共场所控烟立法草案研究,2023-10至2023-12,已结题,主持
6. 福建省卫生健康政策创新研究课题,紧密型县域医共体医保基金打包支付效果评估及优化策略研究,2024-01至2024-08,已结题,主持
1.Wei L, Fang Y#, Zhang L#. Identifying Accessibility and Equity Defects of Elderly Care Services in Developing Countries: Insights from Xiamen City [J].Journal of Nursing Management.2024:9340456. (SSCI 中科院1区Top)
2.Zhang L, Han Y, Ma Y, Xu Z, Fang Y*. Eastern perspectives on roles, responsibilities and filial piety: A case study [J]. Nursing Ethics.2021;28(3):327-345. doi:10.1177/0969733020934143(SSCI 中科院1区Top)
3.Zhang L, Shen S, Zhang W, Fang Y*.What determines informal care need among community-dwelling older adults in China? Results from a longitudinal study[J].BMC geriatrics, 24(1):597. (SSCI 中科院2区Top)
4.Zhang L, Wei L, Zhang W, Fang Y*. Bridging the gap: coordinating equity and efficiency in older people care resource allocation in China[J].BMC Geriatrics.2024,24(1):165.(SSCI 中科院2区Top)
5.Li S, Zhang L#, Fang Y#. Does Social Support Alleviate the Caregiving Burden of Adult Children? Evidence from Chinese Long-Term Care Insurance Pilot Program [J].Journal of Aging & Social Policy. 2024: 2384178. (SSCI 中科院2区)
6.Zhang L, Wei L, Fang Y*. Spatial–temporal distribution patterns and influencing factors analysis of comorbidity prevalence of chronic diseases among middle-aged and elderly people in China: focusing on exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) [J].BMC Public Health. 2024, 24(1).(SCI 中科院2区Top)
7.Zhang L#, Shen S#, Zhang W, Fang Y*. Forecasting Informal Care Needs of the Urban-Rural Older Adults in China Based on Microsimulation Model [J].BMC Public Health. 2024, 24: 2352. (SCI 中科院2区Top)
8.Zhang, L, Sha, W, Lin, Q, Fang Y*. Can single disease payment impact hospitalization expenses and quality in district hospital? A case study in Fujian, China [J]. International Journal for Equity in Health.2024,23:53.(SSCI 中科院2区)
9.Zhang L, Chen R, Fang Y*. Effects of Urban and Rural Resident Basic Medical Insurance on Healthcare Utilization Inequality in China [J]. International Journal of Public Health.2023,68:1605521.(SSCI 中科院3区)
10.Han Y#, Xu C#, Zhang L#, Wu Y, Fang Y*. Expenditure projections for community home-based care services for older adults with functional decline in China [J]. International Journal for Equity in Health.2023,22:143.(SSCI 中科院2区)
11.Zhang L, Fu S, Fang Y*. Research on the optimization of financing scheme of long-term care insurance in China based on System Dynamics Simulation. [J]. Frontiers in public health,2022,10.3389/fpubh.2022.908864(SSCI 中科院3区)
12.Han Y, Zhang L, Fang Y*. Novel subgroups of functional ability in older adults and their associations with adverse outcomes [J]. BMC geriatrics, 2022,22(1), 390. (SSCI 中科院2区Top)
13.Zhang L, Shen S, Guo Y, Fang Y*. Forecasting future demand of nursing staff for the oldest-old in China by 2025 based on Markov model [J]. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2022, 11(8), 1533–1541.(SSCI 中科院3区)
14.Zhang L, Fu S, Fang Y*. Research on financing mechanism of long-term care insurance in Xiamen, China:A System Dynamics Simulation [J]. Frontiers in public health,2021.9:714044. 10.3389/fpubh.2021.714044(SSCI 中科院3区)
15.Zhang L, Zeng Y, Fang Y*. Evaluating the technical efficiency of care among long-term care facilities in Xiamen, China: based on data envelopment analysis and Tobit model [J]. BMC public health, 2019, 19(1): 1230. (SCI 中科院2区Top)
16.Chen J, Hu C, Zeng G, Xu C, Zhang L*. Trends and prevalence of overweight and obesity among children aged 2-7 years from 2011 to 2017 in Xiamen, china. Obesity Facts, 2019,12(4), 476-488. (SCI 中科院3区)
17.张良文*,魏翘楚,刘弘,赵博韬,马亦璇,李思成.长期护理保险对我国老年人身心健康状况的影响[J].医学与社会,2024(In press)(北大一类核心)
18.杨启帆,段颖,方亚,张良文*.基于主体建模方法在慢性病行为危险因素干预中的应用与研究进展[J].现代预防医学, 2024(14). (北大一类核心)
20.张良文,付思佳,方亚*.基于SD模型的长期护理保险筹资可持续性研究——以厦门市为例[J].中国卫生统计, 2023,40(01):62-67+73.(厦大一类核心)
21.张良文,李思成,方亚*.长期护理保险对中老年人未满足长期照护需求的作用及影响因素研究[J].中国卫生统计,2023(In press)(厦大一类核心)
22.张良文,方亚*. 2020-2050年我国城乡老年人失能规模及其照护成本的预测研究[J].中国卫生统计,2021,38(1):39-42.(厦大一类核心)
23.张良文,方亚*. 基于供需均衡视角的我国老年长期照护保险的费率测算[J].中国卫生统计,2021,38(3):340-347. (厦大一类核心)
24.张良文, 曾雁冰, 方亚*. 养老机构服务质量综合评价指标体系的构建及应用[J].中国卫生统计,2019,36(4):525-531. (厦大一类核心)
25.张良文, 曾雁冰, 王丽霞,方亚*. 基于Andersen模型的“医养结合”型机构养老需求的影响因素研究[J].中国卫生统计,2019,36(3):339-343. (厦大一类核心)
26.张良文, 曾雁冰, 王丽霞, 方亚*. 我国养老机构服务质量评估现状及国内外研究进展[J].中华流行病学杂志,2018,39(11):1524-1529. (厦大一类核心)
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