2019.8-至今 厦门大学公共卫生学院高级工程师,冷冻电镜平台负责人
2016.10-2016.12 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),访问学者
2013.9-2019.7 厦门大学公共卫生学院工程师,冷冻电镜平台负责人
2013年至今从事基于冷冻电镜的结构疫苗学研究,致力于高分辨率病毒及病毒复合物的结构解析,通过结构研究指导创新疫苗的设计及药物开发。近5年共发表学术论文30余篇(包括CNS子刊7篇,PNAS两篇),其中作为第一/共同第一作者在Nature Microbiology、Cell Host & Microbe、Nature Communications、Science Advances及PNAS等杂志发表研究论文5篇;申请发明专利6项、实用新型专利1项。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,福建省自然科学基金项目1项,参与多项国家自然科学基金重大项目、重点项目。
1. 代表性论文:
(1) Zheng, Q.#, Zhu, R.#, Xu, L.#, He, M.#, Yan, X.#, Liu, D., Yin, Z., Wu, Y., Li, Y., Yang, L., Hou, W., Li, S., Li, Z., Chen, Z., Li, Z., Yu, H., Gu, Y., Zhang, J., Baker, T. S., Zhou, Z. H., Graham, B. S. *, Cheng, T. *, Li, S. *, and Xia, N*. (2019) Atomic structures of enterovirus D68 in complex with two monoclonal antibodies define distinct mechanisms of viral neutralization, Nature microbiology 4, 124-133. (# co-first authors)
(2) Zheng, Q.#, Jiang, J.#, He, M.#, Zheng, Z.#, Yu, H., Li, T., Xue, W., Tang, Z., Ying, D., Li, Z. et al. (2019) Viral neutralization by antibody-imposed physical disruption, PNAS 116 (52), 26933-26940. (# co-first authors)
(3) He M.#, Xu L.#, Zheng Q.#, Zhu R.#, Yin Z.#, Zha Z., Lin Y., Yang L., Huang Y., Ye X. et al. (2020) Identification of Antibodies with Non-overlapping Neutralization Sites that Target Coxsackievirus A16, Cell Host Microbe 27(2):249-261 e245. (# co-first authors)
(4) Zhu, R.#, Xu, L.#, Zheng, Q.#, Cui, Y.#, Li, S.#, He, M., Yin, Z., Liu, D., Li, S., Li, Z., Chen, Z., Yu, H., Que, Y., Liu, C., Kong, Z., Zhang, J., Baker, T. S., Yan, X.*, Hong Zhou, Z.*, Cheng, T.*, and Xia, N*. (2018) Discovery and structural characterization of a therapeutic antibody against coxsackievirus A10, Science advances 4, eaat7459. (# co-first authors)
(5) Xu, L.#, Zheng, Q.#, Li, S.#, He, M., Wu, Y., Li, Y., Zhu, R., Yu, H., Hong, Q., Jiang, J., Li, Z., Li, S., Zhao, H., Yang, L., Hou, W., Wang, W., Ye, X., Zhang, J., Baker, T. S., Cheng, T.*, Zhou, Z. H.*, Yan, X.*, and Xia, N*. (2017) Atomic structures of Coxsackievirus A6 and its complex with a neutralizing antibody, Nature communications8, 505. (# co-first authors)
(6) Li, Z., Song, S., He, M., Wang, D., Shi, J., Liu, X., Li, Y., Chi, X., Wei, S., Yang, Y., Wang, Z., Li, J., Qian, H., Yu, H., Zheng, Q., Yan, X., Zhao, Q., Zhang, J., Gu, Y., Li, S., and Xia, N. (2018) Rational design of a triple-type human papillomavirus vaccine by compromising viral-type specificity, Nature communications9, 5360.
(7) Shen, C., Chen, J., Li, R., Zhang, M., Wang, G., Stegalkina, S., Zhang, L., Chen, J., Cao, J., Bi, X., Anderson, S. F., Alefantis, T., Zhang, M., Cai, X., Yang, K., Zheng, Q., Fang, M., Yu, H., Luo, W., Zheng, Z., Yuan, Q., Zhang, J., Wai-Kuo Shih, J., Kleanthous, H., Chen, H., Chen, Y., and Xia, N. (2017) A multimechanistic antibody targeting the receptor binding site potently cross-protects against influenza B viruses, Science translational medicine9.
(8) Zhang, P., Chen, Y., Zeng, Y., Shen, C., Li, R., Guo, Z., Li, S., Zheng, Q., Chu, C., Wang, Z., Zheng, Z., Tian, R., Ge, S., Zhang, X., Xia, N. S., Liu, G., and Chen, X. (2015) Virus-mimetic nanovesicles as a versatile antigen-delivery system, Proc Natl Acad Sci112, E6129-6138.
(9) Zhang, T. Y., Guo, X. R., Wu, Y. T., Kang, X. Z., Zheng, Q. B., Qi, R. Y., Chen, B. B., Lan, Y., Wei, M., Wang, S. J., Xiong, H. L., Cao, J. L., Zhang, B. H., Qiao, X. Y., Huang, X. F., Wang, Y. B., Fang, M. J., Zhang, Y. L., Cheng, T., Chen, Y. X., Zhao, Q. J., Li, S. W., Ge, S. X., Chen, P. J., Zhang, J., Yuan, Q., and Xia, N. S. (2019) A unique B cell epitope-based particulate vaccine shows effective suppression of hepatitis B surface antigen in mice, Gut pii: gutjnl-2018-317725.
(10) Shen, C., Zhang, M., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Wang, G., Chen, J., Chen, S., Li, Z., Wei, F., Chen, J., Yang, K., Guo, S., Wang, Y., Zheng, Q., Yu, H., Luo, W., Zhang, J., Chen, H., Chen, Y., and Xia, N. (2019) An IgM antibody targeting the receptor binding site of influenza B blocks viral infection with great breadth and potency, Theranostics9, 210-231.
(11) Wei, M., Wang, D., Li, Z., Song, S., Kong, X., Mo, X., Yang, Y., He, M., Li, Z., Huang, B., Lin, Z., Pan, H., Zheng, Q., Yu, H., Gu, Y., Zhang, J., Li, S., and Xia, N. (2018) N-terminal truncations on L1 proteins of human papillomaviruses promote their soluble expression in Escherichia coli and self-assembly in vitro, Emerging microbes & infections7, 160.
(12) Lin, Q., Li, T., Chen, Y., Lau, S. Y., Wei, M., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Yao, Q., Li, J., Li, Z., Wang, D., Zheng, Q., Yu, H., Gu, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, H., Li, S., and Xia, N. (2018) Structural Basis for the Broad, Antibody-Mediated Neutralization of H5N1 Influenza Virus, Journal of virology92.
(13) Li, Z., Wang, D., Gu, Y., Song, S., He, M., Shi, J., Liu, X., Wei, S., Li, J., Yu, H., Zheng, Q., Yan, X., Baker, T. S., Zhang, J., McLellan, J. S., Li, S., and Xia, N. (2017) Crystal Structures of Two Immune Complexes Identify Determinants for Viral Infectivity and Type-Specific Neutralization of Human Papillomavirus, mBio8.
(14) Li, Z., Yan, X., Yu, H., Wang, D., Song, S., Li, Y., He, M., Hong, Q., Zheng, Q., Zhao, Q., Gu, Y., Zhang, J., Janssen, M. E., Cardone, G., Olson, N. H., Baker, T. S., Li, S., and Xia, N. (2016) The C-Terminal Arm of the Human Papillomavirus Major Capsid Protein Is Immunogenic and Involved in Virus-Host Interaction, Structure24, 874-885.
(15) Yang, L., Liu, Y., Li, S., Zhao, H., Lin, Q., Yu, H., Huang, X., Zheng, Q., Cheng, T., and Xia, N. (2016) A novel inactivated enterovirus 71 vaccine can elicit cross-protective immunity against coxsackievirus A16 in mice, Vaccine34, 5938-5945.
2. 授权专利:
(1) Broad-spectrum monoclonal antibody recognizing HA1 domain of hemagglutinin of influenza virus,美国,US 9650434 B2,2017年5月16日;
(2) 甲型流感病毒核衣壳蛋白的抗原表位及其用途,中国,ZL201110122466.5,2018年2月9日;
(3) 一种磁分离装置,中国,2015209839568,2016年4月27日。
3. 研究课题:
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,柯萨奇病毒CA16实心/空心颗粒抗原性差异的结构基础,主持;
(2) 福建省自然科学基金计划面上项目,柯萨奇病毒A16型(CA16)广谱中和表位的结构基础,主持;
(3) 横向课题,重组大肠杆菌高密度发酵过程优化,主持;
(4) 国家自然科学基金重大项目,结构指导的免疫原设计及广谱保护机制研究,参与;
(5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水痘-带状疱疹病毒的衣壳结构与衣壳蛋白相互作用机制研究,参与;
(6) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,手足口病肠道病毒跨血清型广谱中和抗体的表位结构与作用机制研究,参与;
(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于广谱中和单抗的通用型流感疫苗设计及其结构基础研究,参与;
(8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,戊型肝炎病毒中和抗体间协同作用的单向增强机制研究,参与。
(1) 2019年,福建省青年突击队;
(2) 2019年,厦门大学鹭燕奖教金;
(3) 2019年,厦门大学公共卫生学院养生堂奖教金;
(4) 2017年,厦门大学公共卫生学院优秀共产党员;
(5) 2017年,厦门大学公共卫生学院养生堂奖教金;
(6) 2015年,厦门大学公共卫生学院养生堂奖教金;