近80年来,人类新发现的感染性疾病近六成都是由细菌感染(Bacterial Infection)所致,而抗生素的出现使人们免受感染性疾病的困扰,挽救了无数生命,为全人类的健康保驾护航。然而抗生素的不合理使用,导致了致病菌抗(耐)药性(Drug Resistance/Tolerance)的形成、并在世界范围内迅速蔓延,从而使许多感染性疾病濒临无药可治的困境。因此,控制细菌感染是战胜感染性疾病的关键。本课题组主要围绕抗感染药物抗菌、杀菌以及病原菌的致病机制展开研究,目前在细菌细胞死亡的共享分子通路、抗生素耐受及广谱杀菌增效剂、细菌感染致病机制研究等方面已取得一定的进展。

课题组现有教授1名,副教授2名,工程师1名,博士后2名,研究生28名。2022年,课题组负责人赵西林教授入选国家级创新人才项目,已在Nature Microbiology , Cell Reports, PNAS 等国际知名杂志上发表100余篇论文。团队获得了国家自然科学基金、福建省基金、厦门市科技计划项目、企业横向项目等多方面的支持,累计经费超过1000万元。课题组培养了一批博士生和硕士生,就职于各地高校、疾控、医院、研究机构、企业等优质单位,欢迎各位同学的加入!
1. Y Hong, L Li, G Luan, K Drlica, X Zhao* (2017). Contribution of reactive oxygen species to thymineless death in Escherichia coli. Nature microbiology. 2 (12), 1667
2. Dai Wang, Sean P. McAteer, Agata B. Wawszczyk, Clark D. Russell1,Amin Tahoun, Alex Elmi, Scott L. Cockroft, David Tollervey, Sander Granneman, Jai J. Tree1 ,* and David L. Gally* (2018). An RNA-dependent mechanism for transient expression of bacterial translocation filaments. Nucleic Acids Research, 46 (7): 3366–3381.
3. Y. Hong, J. Zeng, X. Wang, K. Drlica and X. Zhao* (2019). Post-stress bacterial cell death mediated by reactive oxygen species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116 (20): 10064-10071.
4. Liao Y, Li Q * (2019). Profile of MeltPro® HPV test for human papillomavirus genotyping and cervical precancer screening, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 19: 857-862.
5. Hong, Y., Q Li, Q. Gao, J. Xie, H. Huang, K. Drlica, X. Zhao* (2020) Reactive oxygen species play a dominant role in all pathways of rapid quinolone-mediated killing. J Antimicrob Chemother 75 (3): 576-585. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkz485.
6. Jie Zeng, Liwen Wu, Zhou Liu, Yihua Lv, Jinzhi Feng, Weijie Wang, Yunxin Xue, Dai Wang, Jiabin Li, and Xilin Zhao*. (2021). Gain-of-function mutations in acid stress response (evgS) protect Escherichia coli from killing by gallium nitrate, an antimicrobial candidate. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 65 (3): e01595-20 (https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.01595-20)
7. Zhang, Z, D. Xu, J. Fang, D. Wang, J. Zeng, X. Liu, S. Hong, Y Xue, X Zhang*, X Zhao* (2021). In situ live imaging of gut microbiota. mSphere 6 (5): e00545-21. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00545-21
8. Zeng J, Hong Y, Zhao N, Liu Q, Zhu W, Xiao L, Wang W, Chen M, Hong S, WuL, Xue Y, Wang D, Niu J, Drlica K, Zhao X*. (2022). A broadly applicable, stress-mediated bacterial death pathway regulated by the phosphotransferase system (PTS) and the cAMP-Crp cascade. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.119(23): e2118566119.
9. Huang Q, Chen D, Du C, Liu Q, Lin S, Liang L, Xu Y, Liao Y*, Li Q* (2022). Highly multiplex PCR assays by coupling the 5'-flap endonuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase and molecular beacon reporters, PNAS. 119: e119.
10. Wang W, Zhu X, Luo H, Wang Z, Hong A, Zeng J, Li L, Wang D, Deng X*, Zhao X* (2023). Bicyclomycin activity against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens. Microbiol. Spectr. 11 (1): e0379022.
11. Shouqiang Hong, Shaopeng Su, Qiong Gao, Miaomiao Chen, Lisheng Xiao, Runbo Cui, Yinli Guo, Yunxin Xue, Dai Wang, Jianjun Niu*, Haihui Huang*, Xilin Zhao*. Enhancement of β-Lactam-Mediated Killing of Gram-Negative Bacteria by Lysine Hydrochloride. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Jun 13; e0119823. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01198-23.
12. Fang F, Xue Y, Xu X, Fang D, Liu W, Zhong Y, Han J, Li Y, Tao Q, Lu R, Ma C, Kumar A, Wang D*. L-glutamine protects against enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection by inhibiting bacterial virulence and enhancing host defense concurrently. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Oct 10:e0097523. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00975-23. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37815335